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Construction Worker/Laborer                    
Construction & General Laborers Local #264


The Laborers Union is looking for qualified individuals to work for a multitude of commercial building contractors throughout Kansas City. For those with no previous experience applications should be made through our training center at 913-441-6100. For individuals who can meet the requirements listed we offer the following:

  • Union membership with regularly negotiated raises in wages and benefits
  • $33.02 per hour base rate
  • Weekly pay
  • Employer provided health insurance after 275 hours
  • Employer provided Pension Plan currently at $7.74 per hour
  • Vacation Fund
  • Access to our training center for further job skill training
  • Access to our "referral list" for job placement
  • A true career in the construction industry


  • Safety conscious
  • Professional attitude
  • Highly motivated
  • Must have personal vehicle 
  • Minimum of three years verifiable experience as a building construction laborer with references.  Examples would include but not limited to concrete worker, hod carrier or masonry tender, environmental remediation worker, demolition worker, torch burner, jackhammer or chipping hammer operator, power tool operator
  • Able to show up on time every day for 40 hours a week plus possible overtime with little notice
  • Able to lift and carry 50 lbs.
  • Work outside in any weather condition
  • Climb ladders
  • Pass a drug test and E-verify

You will be required to join and become a member of Laborers, Local #264 and must keep current on monthly dues.

Construction & General Laborers does not discriminate based on racecolorreligionsexnational origindisability, or age.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone number:
Have you ever been a member of the Laborers? Yes           No
If YES, what Local number?
Have you ever been a member of any other Union? Yes             No
If YES, what Union?
Do you meet all requirements listed above?  Yes           No  

If no, why?

List previous construction experience only:
1. Company and dates worked:
Description & Duties:
Reason for leaving:
2. Company and dates worked:
Description & Duties:
Reason for leaving:
3. Company and dates worked:
Description & Duties:
Reason for leaving:
Are you willing to join Local 264 & keep current on union dues? Yes   No
List 2 References from Past Employer:

List 3 Personal References that are not Relatives:

Are you currently unemployed or underemployed? If yes, please explain.

We are offering hightly sought after career opportunities.  Why are you interested in becoming a union construction laborer?

How will you benefit our industry and our union? 

Why should we choose you? (sell yourself)
Do you have Hod Carrying (Mason-tending) and/or concrete experience? Explain Yes  No
Enter the text shown in the image above.

Laborers Local 264
1101 E 87th St
Kansas City, MO 64131

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